Thursday, August 18, 2011


Everyone is feeling it right now. Strain at work, at home, at school. We are pushing ourselves hard, and it is not easy. We are able to keep up with the pressure, most of the time, by envisioning that proverbial light at the end of the tunnel. That sense that we are approaching our destination; accomplishing a goal.

How do we make each day feel like an accomplishment? That is the key to making sure you can be happy and content each night when you go to sleep, and refreshed each morning when you wake up. I am hoping to keep enough focus this year to accomplish all of my academic goals, without becoming ill from the stress, without letting the stress undermine my progress, and without losing sight through each quiz, each exam, each week, that I am approaching my end goal of my degree. My desire to get that degree is not just a matter of pursuing higher education, nor just a matter of making more money, but they are necessary components of building a life of independence. A life where I am able to take time to spend with my daughter and give her the gift of time with her mother. And, yes, money to do the things that I know she loves and bring her joy, dancing, singing, and being a creative spirit.

I am starting to organize in the next 3 days for a 2-year-long journey. That is my reminder, my focus, my dedication. That I will reach that goal no matter what!

1 comment:

  1. And I know that you will reach your goals and complete your 2-year journey for all the reasons you listed. I believe in you. Your mom believes in you. And most important, your beautiful daughter believes in you.
