Friday, September 23, 2011


Life is precious. I am reminded when I see the lines around my eyes and mouth, because they show me that some time has passed since I was a bouncy thing filled with verve like my daughter is now, at four years old. I don't mind the lines, they are almost comforting. But, they are a reminder to live each day to the fullest, because the time will come, sooner than I'd like, when there will be more wrinkles than smooth skin and the opportunities to make changes in my life will be in the rearview mirror.

I think about the people who I read about who have died this week. There is a vast ocean of injustice that floods over me with a sense of sadness. I don't believe in the death penalty. Especially, I don't see any justification in our society to not evaluate all of the facts, examine evidence with new technology, and listen to every voice that could change the outcome for that person whose life is now on a line with a fixed endpoint. A line that no longer stretches out to the horizon and blends into that region where you can almost see the infinite.

I also don't believe that children, even as old as their early 20's, should be forced to tolerate constant abuse. Verbal, physical, or virtual. If you have a belief system that says homosexuality is a sin, then you should teach your children to pray for someone's soul with a sense of compassion, not condemnation or scorn. There should be no more taunting and tormenting these children who know they are different. Some are courageous enough to stand up and say they are different. Some do not out of fear. And some are labeled because they act differently than other kids, maybe are a bit shy, and have never expressed one opinion about their sexuality. We adults who are standing by must take a stand. You don't have to stick up for the kids who is gay, shy, or just plain different, but you damned sure need to stop the kids who think that this predatory and inhumane behavior is OK. It's not OK. It has never been OK. It was not called out for what it is before, people looked the other way. No more.

Clinics that provide women with physical exams, health screenings, contraceptives, and physician provided care are going out of business in Texas, because they would give a woman who ASKS for abortion information a referral. They don't give abortions. They provide healthcare. Instead, the state will send the money to a religious-based "clinic" that provides sonograms and "counseling" on adoption. This makes me wonder how this became appropriate in a state with the highest teen pregnancy rate and the lowest level of sexual education. No birth control and no physician provided professional healthcare, but a pseudo-clinic inside a church is acceptable. Are women so devalued they cannot think for themselves at ALL?

Women will make the right decision for them, and in the end, it's between them and their conscience only (and their belief in a higher power). I don't believe any of us should be living in a country where our government gets to tell us what to do with our body. I can donate a kidney if I want to. I can get tatoos and piercings if it suits me. I'm not saying those are close to the same as abortion, but they are issues of my personhood. My body and soul. I have a profound belief in the sanctity of all life, and can't imagine being in that position, because I have only one answer. But, I would never impose MY personal answer, my choice, on one single, solitary, individual in this world. It's not my business, nor is it my government's business in my view.

If you don't believe in abortion, give women clinics where they can get birth control. If you don't believe in abortion, give women a choice that includes all of their options, including adoption, including support (REAL support) if they keep their baby and are in terrible circumstances, and including abortion. If you don't believe in abortion, don't be a hypocrite... also defend the right to live of every SINGLE person on death row in EVERY state. We are behind the developed world in abolishing Capitol Punishment. THE WORLD.

So, I guess what I am getting at with all of this talk about death, and about suffering, is that we can make a change. We can send out ripples that will interrupt the flow of those waves of hate and anger. We can send out waves of humanity, compassion, and a sense of wonder and appreciation for ALL human life, no matter the color, age, gender, sexuality, or shoe size.

We can end the hypocritical soapbox speeches where people want to praise our country, but won't stand up for equal rights for everyone... Where people talk about the sanctity of life, but don't value all life with equal weight... Where people talk about family values, but don't support the young mother and father trying to go to school AND spend time with her child... Where people want to have healthier children free from disease, but turn in disgust when a mother breastfeeds her child in public, or giggle like adolescent boys at the sight.

If you want to be a patriot, value life, and support families, make sure you vote for people who will actually make sure that laws are passed that change our position on these issues as a society. Not who just talk about family values, or being a patriot, but who actually think it through to it's conclusion... what does it take to BE patriotic, to BE a strong community? We can get there if we stay involved, stay committed, and stay vocal.

That's MY soapbox for the week, maybe the month... it's a lot of soapbox, so I'll take a little break!