Wednesday, April 20, 2011


So many people use the term creative to mean artistic or skillful, but I feel that is a misnomer. You can be creative in so many different ways. Albert Einstein was creative in how he viewed the universe, but he could not tie his own shoes. And, simply because someone is artistic or skillful in a craft does not mean they are necessarily creative. Having an original perspective is hard, when our views are formed by what we experience from the world around us, but it is possible. I am amazed at how many people in the art classes I have taken are very skillful with the tools they possess, but may not see how to use them in novel ways. I am impressed by how many people use very common images or themes and surprise me with how they put them together to tell a story that is interesting, funny, or very moving. I hope to be able to learn more about how to express myself skillfully and artistically, without losing the ability to express my own viewpoint, and how to craft my own viewpoint more precisely using the tools and skills that I have at my disposal.

That being said, here is an example of some of my craftsmanship using photoshop in my design class. I hope that I am expressing something interesting while being pleasing to the eye. Enjoy!